About this Blog

I've got a hauntling (a teeny-tiny ghost) staying in my house . Her name is Whispia . I don't know how she got there , or how long she plans to stay with me . She's afraid of the light (it makes ghosts temporarily disappear) so she only comes out after dark . Since I don't get much sleep with her around anyway--I figured I'd keep a blog to record all of her nocturnal adventures .

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Bedtime Story

If you're reading that story just like it's written--then how come Teddy and Froggy look so scared?

Friday Night Fright

Not again! What is it now? You want to watch a movie?

Uh . . . are you sure you want that one? It has pretty
scary ghosts in it.

Oh, right. You are a ghost.

Here, I made you some popcorn. Enjoy the movie.

That is the LAST time I let you watch a scary movie.